I was talking to a friend one day about how there are so many healthy and eco-friendly options found in the stores today. From gluten free to paleo, there is a level of normalcy to it all now. They replied that money talks, and people were voting with their dollar to show what mattered to them. For some reason that really stuck with me. My vote mattered. My dollar could drive forward an industry that I was proud of.
So when I decided to start this business, I wanted to create a product that I was excited about, one that would bring value to you the customer, but also one that would have a minimal footprint and impact on the world. A legacy that I could be proud to share with my children. A way to bring value without causing harm.

Why is Sugarcane so amazing?
If you are looking for an eco-friendly disposable plate option, you might wonder if paper plates are biodegradable? Or are paper plates recyclable? And the answer is yes BUT paper plates are NOT eco-friendly, and that is a key distinction. Paper plates are made from trees. Trees that take years to grow and provide shelter for animals.
Did you know that according to Answers.com, the typical tree will make only about 1000 paper plates and a plastic or styrofoam plate’s life span will far exceed your own? These two products alone have a tremendous impact on our environment, and with our access to renewable resources like sugarcane and bamboo, it is totally unnecessary destruction. You don’t have to be eco-friendly to see that making a simple switch to a renewable resource product is just plain smart. Sugarcane is better than paper or plastic, and here is why…
Sugarcane only needs to grow for about 12 months before it is ready to be harvested, and regrowth that comes up from the stalk can be harvested a number of times as well! The sugarcane stalk is processed to extract the sugar and the remaining fiber (called bagasse) is what is used to create our sugarcane plate.
Because they are made of that pressed fiber pulp, sugarcane plates are incredibly heavy duty, durable, and nontoxic. They are microwave safe, heat, soak, and cut resistant. Additionally, these sugarcane plates are 100% compostable in about 90 days bringing this product full circle back into the earth. So there you have sugarcane in a nutshell! It isn’t too complicated!

We are taking a renewable resource that grows like grass, utilizing every piece of it for multiple industries so that nothing goes to waste, and when its life cycle is over, it is returned to the earth and we begin again, with very little impact to the environment!
I don’t know about you, but this one gets my vote!