How to be a Chef, Even When you Can’t Cook

The absolute best thing about having a party at your house is the opportunity to REALLY connect with those you love. You have great conversations, you get quality time in, and you are out of your own personal bubble for a little while. But for many people, the dilemma of what to make is often the most stressful part of hosting a party. It’s especially stressful if you are the type of person who considers Mac & Cheese your best achievement. (No offense to Mac & Cheese, it is literally my favorite comfort food!!)

So in this article, I want to walk you through how to be a chef, even if you can’t cook. Or at least we’ll look at 3 ways to fake it like a professional.

Let’s start with your appetizer! Nothing says, “I’m a pro!” like a cute little appetizer tray, and the best thing is that there is actually no cooking needed! Just a bit of organization and presentation. Get a box of your favorite crackers, some pre-sliced cheeses of your choice, and some fresh fruit. Use your budding chef’s creativity to spread them out on a tray, ready for when your guests arrive. You have just set the tone for great first impressions as they walk into your kitchen!

Now let’s move on to your main course! Now here is where we are going to break down a few options based on your skill level.

Let’s start with our “Square 1” folks. You, my friend, are the person who defines cooking as microwaving. Once you build your confidence, we can move up to the next level, but for now we are going to stick with your strengths for your first party and stay simple! Go to the store and grab a family size lasagna or a one pan pasta meal. The most complicated that this gets is to turn on the oven and a timer, or cook on the stove following the directions. You can do this one! And for my naysayers who think this isn’t “cooking”, let’s remember that we all need to start somewhere! And if you get edible, non burned food to serve to guests then its a win!

Ok! Let’s take it up a notch in skill level and talk about another entree option if you are ready to try a home cooked meal. Search the internet for a recipe that isn’t too intimidating. My recommendation is to start with something simple like enchiladas. You can easily customize it to your taste and it’s pretty hard to mess up. If you are nervous about your recipe, try making it beforehand and testing out! You’ll be able to make changes or alterations based on your experience. This is the biggest key to cooking and will set the tone for your entire journey: Don’t be afraid to try out new things!

You will have some dishes that are a total flop. And if you have kids, you might even get your first chef-worthy blistering review. But encouraged and keep at it anyways!

Lastly, let’s talk dessert. Your dinner has been a raving success, and now everyone is ready for something sweet. One recipe that is sure to impress is a pudding parfait. Grab whatever glasses you have in your house, layer chocolate pudding and strawberries, and top with whipped cream. Easy peasy and very cute! Remember, sometimes the most simple dish can impress your guests. You don’t need to spend hours cooking or baking in order to have a party. You definitely can do that, and one day when your confidence level is high you will enjoy that process too! But for now, the main goal is to test out new skills, overcome your worries and just go for it!